Leadership Advice for Recent Graduates

It’s graduation season. Graduates throw their caps toward the sky to celebrate, but deep down many are anxious.

They don’t really know what they’re reaching for in their lives.

If you’re a recent graduate, you’re likely feeling pressure to have your career goal “figured out.” Where do you start? There’s a lot of advice out there.

Gayle Lantz shares leadership advice for recent graduates–advice that applies to seasoned leaders who are at turning points as well.

She challenges listeners to consider how they view themselves as a key to achieving their goals.

She suggests that recent graduates think more like leaders by solving problems they care about and expanding their comfort zones.

Ultimately both leaders in business and recent graduates must be willing to experiment, experience discomfort, move through fear, focus more on opportunities and follow the joy.

This episode is especially appropriate for recent graduates and leaders contemplating what’s next.

This episode covers:

  • Five pieces of advice for recent graduates and leaders facing difficult decisions (e.g., Stay curious. Look for clues that guide you.)
  • Four tips specifically for recent graduates (e.g., Put less focus on your resume and more focus on relationships)
  • The necessity of using imagination to step into your new future
  • The idea of continuously graduating to do work that matters and live a fulfilling life


Previous Episodes:

From Conflict to Courage with Marlene Chism

How to Ask Better Questions When There’s a Problem

Leadership Advice for Recent Graduates (PDF download)

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