Creativity in Business

Creativity is an important part of life…and business. What are you doing to be creative in your organization? In today’s times, with growing competition, increasingly diverse workforces and ever  changing market conditions, creativity is most needed. What you’ve done in the past may not work going forward. You need to think differently.


Some leaders say, “I can get things done, but I’m not that creative.” Even if you don’t consider yourself a creative person, there are actions you can take to stimulate more creativity in your workplace.


One of the best sources of inspiration for creativity in the workplace is my friend, Paddy O’Sullivan, a talented artist in Ontario CANADA. 

Paddy is touching the hearts, minds and souls of people in corporations through his art. He has a unique and effective approach. Given his background in organizational development and executive coaching in organizations around the world, he understands what zaps the spirits of people in organizations. And he offers needed solutions.


For more about Paddy’s work, or to see a sample of one of his corporate Performance Art Events, visit: or

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