Plant Seeds NOW for Business Growth

Plantseeds "Even after a bad harvest there must be sowing."

The winter season may be cold in more ways than one. Financial markets seem frozen and business may not be flowing as usual. But you can warm up your business by planting seeds NOW.

Now is the time to plant seeds that can bear fruit for your organization in the future. The best seeds are those that build personal connections and create value for your clients, patients, customers or market…even in the absence of immediate business opportunity. You can provide seeds of value at little or no cost to you and your buyers.

Here are some ideas:

Speaking in front of groups is one of the best ways to build relationships and deliver value. You can sow many seeds at one time.

It doesn't matter what field you're in: medical, environmental, engineering,construction, financial services, energy, insurance, legal, accounting, real estate, technology… Talk to local business groups or professional associations on any of the following:

  • Specific trends in your industry
  • Mistakes to avoid
  • Tips, advice or suggested strategies in your area of expertise
  • A successful project and what you learned
  • Cost saving ideas

You don't have to be the best speaker. Simply provide information and ideas others will appreciate. Don't over-promote your business or firm in your talk. The value will be evident.

Write a short article for an industry publication or newsletter.
Keep it simple.

  • Create a "top 10 list."
  • Try a question/answer or problem/solution format.
  • Blog. It's a great way to increase exposure online.

Writing strategically is a way to keep you or your organization visible so you'll be top of mind when your products or services are needed.

Thank someone who has been instrumental in bringing you business in the past. Pick up the phone or send a handwritten note to express appreciation for the relationship. Nurture your network with gratitude.

Connect with:

  • Referral sources
  • Friends
  • Advocates in your personal or professional network

Make your list of 10 people now and commit to contacting them this week. Ask what you can do to be of help to them.

Talk with your team about any other actions they can take to plant seeds of value.

Now is the time for planting as many seeds as possible in as many ways as possible. Some will bear fruit and others will never grow. But you'll never know unless you sow!

PS: Need more ideas? I created a free special report for you as a WorkMatters Tips subscriber. It's called Bull Bytes: 12 Bull-by-the-Horn Strategies to Boost Your Business. I hope you find it helpful to generate business building ideas in any business climate.

You can download the report by subscribing to WorkMatters Tips using this link:

On the Lighter Side

    Your first job is to prepare the soil. The best tool for this is your neighbor's garden tiller. If your neighbor does not own a garden tiller, suggest that he buy one.
    — Dave Barry

Leadership Resource

Take The Bull By The HornsMy new book, Take the Bull by the Horns: The Busy Leader's Action Guide to Growing Your Business…and Yourself, is a great leadership tool to help you achieve your biggest business and personal goals.

Order the print copy and/or audio program today to help you take charge in 2009!

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You may reprint items from "WorkMatters Tips" in your own print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "WorkMatters Tips," a free ezine produced by Gayle Lantz featuring tips for leaders and executives who want to grow themselves, their team and their business. Subscribe at:

(c) 2009 WorkMatters, Inc.

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