Just Because You Can

WorkMatters Tips Issue #19 – April 24,2007
Publisher: Gayle Lantz mailto:[email protected]

WorkMatters, Inc.
A quick tip to help leaders and executives who need to motivate their teams and themselves, and catapult their business.

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Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

Every day people complain about not having enough time to get it all done. In working with clients, I find people who are doing an aspect of their work simply because they can, not because they should. Whatever they are doing takes them away from more important work and priorities.

What’s a leader to do? Figure "it" out. The "it" can be anything that ultimately holds you back, gets in your way — an activity, process or habit that doesn’t serve you or the business best.

Especially guilty are those leaders who have moved up through the ranks and can’t let go of some of their skills, expertise or old habits. Think of the sales manager who still likes to sell rather than manage people. Or the technical expert turned leader who tends to focus on details instead of the big picture.
Or the brilliant engineer who is not as accustomed to dealing with people problems and prefers focusing on systems. Or the managing partner who can’t let go of client work to focus on strategic issues.

These kinds of leaders are found in all kinds of industries: financial services, health care, insurance, technology, utilities, government, military, professional services firms. If you need a little help focusing on the tasks that are most important, try completing these statements.

* To help me achieve my business goals, my time over the  next month is best spent focusing on _______________.

* If I can spend more of my time on ________________ the payoff should be______________ for the business.

* Just because I can do_________________________ doesn’t  mean I should.

*I can make more of a direct impact on the success of the business by giving up ___________________ and doing  _________________instead.

Figure out what your "it" is. Will it contribute directly to the success of the business? Does it really fit the role you should be playing in the business?

It’s normal to be doing things from time to time that aren’t necessarily most productive, but if you find yourself doing it consistently, do something about it.

Not sure if you need to make a change? Feel free to take a QUICK QUIZ to help you determine the need to change whatever it is you’re doing. You’ll find the quiz at:

PS: Last Call — Remember the new Task Quotient (TQ) assessment is available to subscribers at no cost during the month of APRIL ONLY.If you have already received your instructions, be sure to take the instrument before the end of this month. It only takes 10 minutes.

For more details or to request instructions, visit:

Change yourself and your work will seem different.
Norman Vincent Peale

SOMETHING DIFFERENT:  Read my latest blog post on leadership inspired by Blue Man Group!
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Reprinted from "WorkMatters Tips," a free ezine produced by Gayle Lantz featuring tips for leaders and executives who want to grow themselves, their team and their business. Subscribe at

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