Create Boundaries That Stick with Marlene Chism

As you grow in your leadership role, it becomes even more important to create boundaries that stick. Otherwise you risk spending time and energy in areas that don’t serve you or the business. 

You may become angry or frustrated when boundaries are ignored. But you can avoid frustration by learning more about what boundaries truly are and how to use them to your advantage.

Gayle Lantz speaks with expert and author, Marlene Chism. Marlene works with leaders to build drama-free cultures. She is author of multiple books. Her latest is From Conflict to Courage: How to Stop Avoiding and Start Leading.

Marlene offers popular training courses through Linkedin Learning. She specializes in the area of conflict management.

Defining boundaries is an important aspect of business relationships and personal relationships.

As Marlene explains, strong boundaries are a reflection of clarity. And clarity is essential to good leadership.

This episode covers:

  • Understanding what boundaries mean
  • The importance of choice, accountability and values
  • How to prevent boundaries from being broken
  • Tips for having difficult conversations and signs when those conversation are needed
  • Good examples of boundary setting in different scenarios

This episode challenges listeners to set (or reset) boundaries if needed and to respect other people’s boundaries.


Previous Episodes:

#158 Reduce Your Decision Fatigue to Increase Productivity

#157 Take Time to Recharge: Your Midyear Reset

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