Challenge the Status Quo: Your Leadership Imperative

When you decide to challenge the status quo, you’re taking a stand for those you lead and serve. You’re making a commitment to do things differently–to be more disruptive and less disrupted.

And you’re also issuing an invitation for other people who share the same mission to see new possibilities and to let go of what’s not working anymore. Your team must generate new ideas, processes or commitments to prepare your organization for the future–which is now.

What got you here won’t get you where you want to go today.

Gayle Lantz talks about challenging the status quo as a leadership imperative. The world of work continues to change and evolve quickly.

Leaders who help their teams find new ways to achieve their missions will be better prepared to capitalize on opportunities. They reduce the chance of being left behind.

She offers perspective, based on her own life experience, to help leaders and their teams move out of their comfort zones and break patterns that no longer serve them.

This episode covers:

  • Actionable ideas to engage and inspire team members (e.g., “momentum meetings”)
  • The importance of implementing new ideas quickly and taking small steps
  • Organizational culture that can be a deterrent for taking action
  • The need to assess progress more frequently and consistently during times of change

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