As you near the end of the year, you likely feel the need to speed up. ![]() I want to finish strong. I want clients to feel a sense of accomplishment. We look back at the beginning of the year to remember what the goals were at that time. Then we assess what needs to happen, if anything, to achieve those goals. What were your big goals? Have they changed? Have you achieved what you want? Some executives report that the year seems like a ‘big blur.’ They’ve been going full speed. However, going full speed has its drawbacks. You can’t sustain high speed indefinitely. Eventually it will take a toll on you and your team. You might miss other important opportunities because you’re moving so quickly. You might like the adrenaline rush, but be careful about becoming addicted to activity. You’ll lose sight of the bigger goal. Maybe you’ve been thrown off track. If so, that’s normal. That’s business. How you get back on track or move to another one is what makes you most successful. So while accomplishment is important, clarity is as well. The challenge is that clarity often requires slowing down. During this quarter, when time seems to accelerate and you feel compelled to ‘get it all done,’ I encourage you to find a little time to PAUSE. Get really clear about what you want. What are the new possibilities for you or your business? Where are your best opportunities given where you are now? Take the time you need to think clearly. Clarity alone is a worthy accomplishment. —————————— LISTEN to Gayle’s Radio Interview
For more insights on how to make the most of the end of your year, feel free to listen to the recording. Just click this link:
Gayle Featured in Creative Living Magazine
![]() Gayle is featured in the Fall 2013 issue of Creative Living, a Northwestern Mutual publication bringing thought-provoking articles and interesting ideas to enrich your daily life.
She shares secrets of successful solopreneurship.
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