What You CAN Control

WorkMatters Tips Issue #55 – October 7, 2008
Publisher: Gayle Lantz mailto:[email protected]

WorkMatters, Inc.
A quick tip to help leaders and executives who need to motivate their teams and themselves, and catapult their business.

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What You CAN Control

The recent news has made many people uneasy.

Leaders I work with are looking for ideas and solutions to help them move forward even when the path seems unclear. If you're like them, you feel there is much beyond your control.It's frustrating!

Your direct reports and colleagues share your concerns. In times of change or uncertainty, they watch your responses more closely. They sense your mood. They listen more carefully to what you communicate. And they need to hear from you even more.

It's easy to obsess about what's beyond your control.

So today's tip is to focus on what you CAN control and help your employees do the same.

On a personal level, here are some possible areas that are within your control.

What you CAN control:

 * Your initiative.
You decide how much effort you'll exert to achieve a result. How will you apply yourself – your leadership skills, knowledge, etc. most effectively under the circumstances? Don't be paralyzed by fear. Show strong initiative. Be a catalyst for change. Take action.
 * Your learning.
In times of change, increase the pace of your learning and broaden the sources of your learning.
Expose yourself to new ideas, methods, business models, people, approaches, etc. Read different
publications. Consult with a variety of experts, leaders, peers  or advisors. Seek out sources within and outside your industry. Just one good idea can take you far.
 * Your response to situations.
Think clearly. Don't simply react. One manager I know, after hearing troubling news about the company, decided to leave the office for a couple of hours to simmer down. He returned more clear headed, and could lead better with new perspective.
 * Your plan. 
I know your plan may need some adjustment, or perhaps a complete overhaul. You may not be able  to execute it in the way you'd like. But your plan helps guide your work. It gives you direction. Maintain flexibility with your plan. Keep working on it.
On an organizational level, you can control your brand, your strategies, your efforts to improve products or services, your company or firm values, and your priorities going forward.
Consider today's times the ultimate leadership development opportunity.

PS:  If you need help thinking through any specific leadership or business challenges (or opportunities), don't hesitate to contact me.



If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.
– Mario Andretti

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