What are Your Life Goals?

Picture I made for my goals article
Image via Wikipedia

When thinking about creating your ideal work or career path, you may have been told to focus on your strengths or to identify the kinds of people or things you want to work with. Not bad advice.

But where you really need to start is in a bigger context – called “life.”

Work is fuel for your life. It’s one of the most important parts of life for people like you who are driven to make a difference.

So take some time to contemplate what you really want out of your life.  It doesn’t need to be a heavy exercise.

Thinking about your best life now will prepare you to make smart decisions about the kind of work you really want to do.

What impact do you want to make?

If you can answer that question, you’ll find clues about the kind of work that would be the best fit for you – or the kind of work you can create for yourself.

As you go through your own life, your goals and perspective may change.

Remember what you thought was most important as a teenager? You’re older and wiser now. You’ve experienced highs and lows along your journey that shape new possibilities for yourself.

Give yourself some time and space to reflect on what the rest of your life can look like at its absolute best. Then consider the work that makes sense to help you make that happen.

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