Upgrade Your Ideas to Upgrade Your Business

Dreamcatcher If you're working too hard and still not getting the results you want, something needs to change.
I often hear a client say, "I think I'm doing everything I possibly can." The problem is they're not thinking of as many ideas as they possibly can.
If you're not constantly generating new ideas you'll be left behind. You might need an "idea catcher." It's kind of like a "dreamcatcher," — you know, that little webbed ornament with dangling feathers. It was designed to protect sleeping children from nightmares. Bad dreams get caught in the web, while the good ones filter through.
Some people are in search of the one great idea, not realizing that it usually takes filtering through many bad ideas to find it.
How are you capturing ideas?
Chances are many of your ideas are fleeting. You lack a "web" to catch them. It's tough to capture all your ideas in your head.
However, if you don't capture the ideas in some way, they'll likely disappear – and so will the potential opportunity that could have been created.
Tips for Catching and Generating Ideas: 


  • Relax.  Sometimes the harder you try to think, the more difficult it is to get to that idea or solution you're seeking. Let the ideas flow naturally.

  • Break your routine. Go to a different environment to brainstorm ideas. Leave your office. A change of scenery is good.

  • Record the ideas. Use an "idea notebook" — one in which you jot down random ideas as they come to mind. Consider keeping small notebooks in your car or by your bedside. You never know when and where an idea might strike.

  • Rise and write. Some experts suggest capturing your thoughts when you first wake up — when ideas are fresh. Do it then before other distractions cloud your thinking.

  • Discuss your ideas with others. That way you build on them. Engage your most creative thinkers in the process. Creative people are good at expanding on ideas. Others think more linearly. You need both kinds of thinking for successful idea generation and implementation.

  • Don't toss out an idea too quickly. There could be a seed of a good idea that needs a little time to develop. Ideas spring from other ideas.

  • Act quickly on those you can. How often have you failed to follow through on an idea? You've seen a client or prospect in the news and you thought to yourself, "I should send them a note to congratulate them." …But you never do.  Or you find a resource that you know would benefit a client or colleague. You meant to share it with them, but never did. When a good idea strikes, act fast!

  • Give the process time. You'll likely generate the most common ideas in the first few minutes. Keep at it until your creative juices are really flowing. Reward a team member for the most outrageous idea, regardless of whether or not it's implemented.

  • Set the right tone. Employees need to feel comfortable sharing ideas freely. Research has shown that one impediment to innovative thinking is a person's fear of looking silly, or having their idea criticized. Set the right tone from the start.
Wondering what kinds of ideas to generate?
Start with your customers' biggest problems. What are all the ways you can possibly serve them, or better yet, amaze them? List the obvious to get you started and work your way into the crazy ideas.


Brainstorm ideas with your team for process improvements, team improvements, creating more value, having more fun. Begin the process with a topic or theme that's signficant to your business.

Share the good ideas.
People appreciate good ideas. To be in full supply, consume more ideas yourself. Become a sponge for learning. Learn from a variety of sources. It's one of your most important roles as a leader.


It's okay to stray.
In management, we're taught to stay focused — to stay on the path to make best progress and reach those milestones. But sometimes you need to stray from the path — at least temporarily — to explore the side roads and gain new experiences to help you see new possibilities.
Don't get stuck in patterns that rob your best creative thinking. Fill your web with many ideas. Filter them and act on the best ones. Boosting the quality of ideas will boost your business!

On the Lighter Side


A mother says to her 10 year old son who loves to swim, "Why don't you join the swim team? I know you'd love it!"

Son replies, "No, Mom, they just swim back and forth. I like to swim around."

~ My own nephew


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