Stop Comparing Yourself

Comparison is human nature. We all do it consciously and subconsciously.

When it comes to comparing yourself against another person (or your business against another business), you may think thoughts like these:

He’s only been in business five years. I should be way ahead of him.

I’ve got stronger credibility, so I should be winning more business.

We’ve got better service, so customers should prefer us.

I’m smarter than she is and I work harder, so why do I feel behind?

My performance is stronger. I should have been promoted.

I could never do what they’re doing.

You’ll always find people who seem smarter, wealthier, happier or more successful. At the same time, you never really know what’s going on behind the scenes.

You can choose to learn from them or resent them…or to do neither, and focus on YOU instead.

What’s wrong with comparison?

Comparison against others can be a destructive force in your life and work.

  1. It usually serves no real purpose. There are too many variables that affect how someone achieves what they do.
  2. Why compare yourself against what could be status quo? (You deserve to aim higher.)
  3. You’ve lost sight of what really matters – your clients, team, market, family, etc. Don’t let comparison distract you. It will eat you up – if you let it.

I worked with one client who spent so much time worrying about the competition that it paralyzed him. He was fixated on it, not to mention furious about it. Once he shifted his focus to what he needed to do to move forward, he began turning his business around.

Comparison is a bad thing when you use it to judge yourself.

On the other hand, comparison can be a good thing.

Comparison is a good thing when you’re trying to differentiate yourself, your service or business.

But only to a point.

Set your own vision and standards. If you hear, “Well, everyone else does x.” Good. Say, “That’s why I’m doing y.”

Comparing too much pulls you off the path you’re meant to pursue. Determine your own measures of success based on your own values, needs and goals.

What or who will you stop comparing yourself against today?


Gayle Lantz is a leadership expert and career strategist who helps established leaders serve and succeed in new ways that make a significant difference in their life and work.


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