Make Some Mistakes

If you’re ready to move forward faster toward your business or career goals, you’ll need to make some mistakes – not necessarily on purpose. Mistakes can actually increase your momentum.

Accept that mistakes are part of your process to get where you want to go. That way you can acknowledge when they happen, and learn from them, but not be thrown off course.

The idea of making a mistake is especially painful for perfectionist types who want to make sure they do things the “right” way.

On your path to success, there is NO single right way. You can follow different models or systems to a point, but ultimately you need to decide what will work for you.

You can’t always prepare for mistakes, but you can prepare how you will respond.

To help you minimize the impact mistakes can make in your life or work, keep the following in mind:

● If you’re not progressing at the pace you’d like, you may not be making enough mistakes.
● Everyone makes mistakes. You’re not alone.
● Mistakes can lead to new important discoveries.
● Sharing your mistakes can help other people avoid the same ones. (So your mistakes are valuable.)
● Most mistakes are not life threatening.
● Correct your mistake quickly, if you can.
● Don’t take it personally.
● Don’t dwell on your mistakes. Keep moving.

I have made many mistakes on my entrepreneurial journey. I look forward to sharing more with you about mistakes I have made (as well as my successes) to help your own ride go more smoothly.

What’s one of the biggest mistakes you’ve made?

What did you learn from it?

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