It’s Decision Time

WorkMatters Tips Issue #57 – November 4, 2008
Publisher: Gayle Lantz mailto:[email protected]
WorkMatters, Inc.
Quick tips to help leaders and executives who need to motivate their teams and themselves, and catapult their business.

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It's Decision Time

Decisiveness is a common trait of successful leaders.

Whether a leader's decisions are driven by values, mission, ego, politics, instinct, fear, greed, or something else, those decisions will have an impact.

How can you be sure you're making the best decisions? One key is to understand HOW you tend to make decisions.

What words describe your decision making? Analytical. Impulsive. Decisive. Independent. Consensus oriented. Emotional. Practical. Strategic.

When making decisions, do you consider the impact on people — customers, employees or other stakeholders? Or are you more concerned about how the decision will affect your role or the organization as a whole?  Your approach may vary depending on the issue at stake.

Today's times require you to make tough decisions. Smart decision making is at the heart of good leadership.

Whether your decisions are major or minor, here are tips to help you think through them more easily:

 * Get clear perspective. Ask,"What's most important?" Talk to others who can help you think through things. Revisit priorities. You must be clear about your personal, business or organizational priorities FIRST.
 * Weigh the risks and rewards…from all angles. What are the worst case and best case scenarios?
 * Look at the short-term and long-term impact. What seems like a major ordeal in the short-term
 may be a small bump in the road when you look back a few years from now.
 * Explore all options. Not all decisions require choosing between two alternatives.  
 * If stuck, ask, "What am I afraid of?" You might  need to address a hidden concern.
 * Don't second-guess yourself. Make your decision and move on!
What kind of decision maker are you? You decide.

PS: Other tips on developing your leadership and your business are found in my new book: Take the Bull by the Horns:The Busy Leader's Action Guide to Growing Your Business…and Yourself.

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Standing in the middle of the road is dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.
~Margaret Thatcher

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Reprinted from "WorkMatters Tips," a free ezine produced by Gayle Lantz, author of Take the Bull by the Horns, featuring tips for leaders and executives who want to grow themselves, their team and their business. Subscribe at

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