Increase Your Personal Productivity

WorkMatters Tips Issue #52 – August 26, 2008
Publisher: Gayle Lantz mailto:[email protected]
WorkMatters, Inc.
A quick tip to help leaders and executives who need to motivate their teams and themselves, and catapult their business.

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Increase Your Personal Productivity

"I get more done on an airplane than in my own office!" This executive, who travels globally, was concerned about her productivity during a typical day in the office.

She had been putting off one project for months that she actually completed on a trip away from the office. What's the deal?

When we talked about what she might do to boost her personal productivity in the office, here are some of the important insights that emerged:

 *  Focus on the benefits of accomplishing the task or project. What will you or the business gain by
 accomplishing your task? Or what will you risk losing by not doing it? Remind yourself of why the project is important.
 *  Minimize distractions. It's easy to get more done when you don't have access to your phone or email. Note what tends to distract you the most. It might be your own phone or email, or your assistant. Perhaps there are other visual or audible distractions in your environment that you need to address.
 *  Establish boundaries. Know when you are at your best during the day. Guard that time. For example, if you know you are most productive between 9am and 11am, request that you not be disturbed then if at all possible.
 *  Be disciplined. If you know you want to accomplish something important, make it a priority. Take a small action each day to make progress.
 *  Take breaks. If you're like many leaders, this is tough for you to do because you're conditioned to be "in motion" — pushing things forward, driving results, etc. Taking short breaks (or long ones if you need them) can help you sharpen your thinking, reduce stress and increase your energy to be more productive.
So what are you working on? Are you making the progess you need to? If not, take a look at what you can do differently to improve your productivity. One small change can make a big difference.



Never put off till tomorrow what can be put off till day-after-tomorrow just as well.
~ Mark Twain


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