Don’t Doubt Yourself

WorkMatters Tips Issue #37 – January 29, 2008
Publisher: Gayle Lantz
WorkMatters, Inc.
A quick tip to help leaders and executives who need to motivate their teams and themselves, and catapult their business.

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Don’t Doubt Yourself

Even if you’re quite experienced as a leader, there are times when you’re faced with challenges that make you question a decision you made or even doubt yourself.

Maybe you’re playing in a bigger game with more at stake. Perhaps change is happening too quickly and you’re forced to make decisions on the spot.

Whether you’re in the office, the boardroom, a plane, or even your home, your mind is processing. You’re rethinking things… replaying a conversation in your mind, preparing for a deal,
processing a problem, preparing next steps.

You might think, "What in the world am I doing?" or "I’m not sure if I’m ready for this." or "What if I fail?"

For those moments when the doubts creep in, try any of the following:

* Remember you’re in your role for a reason. Others have confidence in your ability. Trust your ability.

* Recall the successes you’ve had — the good decisions you’ve made, your accomplishments, especially those made in difficult circumstances.

* Talk to one of your advocates, someone who knows you well and believes in you.

* Avoid judging yourself or your decisions. Instead of judging right or wrong, think "best." What’s the best approach, decision or path?

* Welcome the challenge. You will learn more by facing it than fearing it.

* Focus on other people. Stop thinking about yourself and get back to helping other people, to getting the job done, to improving the business. Shift from an internal to external focus.

Notice those on your team who might doubt themselves. Help them build their confidence. You’ll help build the business.

PS — Of course, not everyone has self doubt. Some employees have an inflated sense of their capability or performance. I call it "The American Idol Syndrome."
For more on that see:



Don’t waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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