The other day, a client expressed concern about taking on a new management role.
"My knowledge is strong. The team is solid. I'm competent and confident — most of the time. But I crumble when I have to speak to groups."
We talked through some of the challenges holding her back:
- Striving for perfection
- Being too hard on herself
- Setting unrealistic expectations
- The fear of being perceived as "weak"
She asked, "Are there others out there like me?" I told her there were MANY other leaders like her. Even some of the most seasoned and successful leaders have similar concerns.
Some leaders suffer by avoiding their fears or concerns while others thrive because they decide to do something about it.
It's not unusual for leaders to feel a little queasy, especially in today's business environment. Uneasiness is also common to experience before you move to the next level — whatever that looks like to you.
It's tempting to follow an "easy" leadership path. Just continue doing what you've always done. Avoid conflict. Don't challenge the status quo. Don't take a risk. Problem is you won't last long.
Smart leaders choose a challenging path, on purpose. They know if they stretch themselves, they will grow — and so will others.
As you grow, you have to let others step up and assume more responsibility. You have to let go. Might make you a little nervous. It can be difficult to trust others to handle a sticky situation like you can, or solve the problem as well as you can.
It's like watching my 15 year old daughter learn how to drive. She nervously takes the wheel with her leg shaking and palms sweating. I'm in the passenger seat coaching her — trying to conceal my own fear while offering encouragement. My stomach is in knots as she makes her way onto the busy road. Eventually she ends my torture by turning abruptly, stomping the brake and parking proudly in a grocery store parking space — within the lines! A small victory, but big step toward her learning.
There are people on your team right now that you need to trust with more responsibility. Let them take the wheel by practicing or developing their leadership skills. It will help you and the business in the long run.
To help you move forward in your own leadership role more easily, try the following:
- Pinpoint your biggest personal challenge. Note why it's a problem. Write it down. This helps you clarify the issue. Specific examples expressed by other leaders include: fear of looking incompetent, inability to trust others or delegate, being quick to anger, lack of confidence when communicating, struggles managing time or priorities, being too direct, inattentive listening, poor strategic thinking, inability to stay focused. What's your biggest challenge? Why? Name it and claim it.
- Then ask yourself, "If I address the issue, what would be different or possible? Would your performance improve? Would your team function better? What kinds of new opportunities might develop? There's likely a benefit to both the business and you.
- Commit to a first step — just the first. What would that be? Your to-do list is already long enough, so keep it simple. Commit to one action that will begin to address the obstacle in your way. For example, make a phone call, send an email, explore a new resource, attend a meeting, take an assessment, or talk to a colleague or mentor. You'll gain momentum from there.
I find some clients start working on perceived challenges. Over time they address the real issues to help them achieve best results. Just start.
When you're at a crossroad or need to make a difficult decision:
1. Don't be afraid to choose a rocky path that requires more of you. You'll find and build new strength.
2. Get the support you need to navigate the trail and avoid the potholes. Others can see what you miss.
3. Remind yourself of the challenges you've overcome so far. You'll bolster yourself for whatever lies ahead.
As always, if I can help you tackle the challenges that stand in your way, just let me know.
In the meantime, by request, I'm in the process of developing new services for highly motivated professionals who want to work on specific short term goals to help them move forward faster. I'm always excited to work with self motivated clients who want to make a difference and create some kind of transformation in their work or business. Stay tuned for more details!
Every leader can use a little inspiration from time to time. When you feel like you've hit the wall, you might check out Paul Thornton's new book, Leadership — Off the Wall.
He's captured the quotes leaders post on their wall or keep on their desk. I'm pleased to be referenced in his book. You'll find it to be a short and simple read with many expressions of core beliefs, values and guiding principles to help leaders lead.
Leadership — Off the Wall is available as a book and e-book at