A Starting Point for Starting Your Own Business

In one of my previous posts, I stressed the importance of taking action to start your business. The timing never seems just right. But that’s okay.

Today I provide a starting point if you don’t really know where to start. It’s especially helpful if you haven’t really convinced yourself that you can start a business or do something entrepreneurial.

A simple starting point is to LIST YOUR REASONS for starting a business. Write the words “Can,” “Should” and “Will” at the top of a page to create three columns.

Then list your reasons in each category to create your master list of reasons.

Why can you start a business?
Why should you start a business?
Why will you start a business?

This list becomes your “engine.” It should be your driving force to get you moving in a new direction.

Instead of “The Little Engine That Could,” think of it as “The Little Engine That Will.”

This way you start your business by fueling your thought process. You will it to happen.

Your business starts by capturing your ideas.

The business grows based on your actions.

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