If the summer is starting to slow you or your business down, it’s up to you to do something about it.
While taking a break away from work can give you renewed energy to plow ahead, sometimes it takes more than that to keep you plowing ahead of the competition.
Don’t let midyear pass you by without doing something a little out of the norm to move your business forward. You’ll tackle the second half of the year with clarity, focus and thoughtful actions to help you meet or exceed your goals.
Review these three tips to help you rev up your midyear momentum:
1. Revisit your big picture goal.
On a scale of 1-10, how energized are you about achieving that goal? If you’re scoring low, you’ll need to take it up a notch.
Some questions to ask yourself, or your team:
- Is the goal the same as it was at the beginning of the year?
- What adjustments to the goal do we need to make, if any?
- If the goal is set, how can we improve our aim?
- What new circumstances or issues do we need to consider?
Hold a special “Midyear Momentum Meeting” to get input on the overall goal and renew energy for pursuing it.
Challenge your team to come up with at least three new creative approaches to achieving the goal.
Get everyone on the same page. Chances are, if change is happening fast in your business, you’ll have to move everyone to an entirely new page.
2. Connect with past customers. If you’re keeping a slower summer pace, set aside some time to reach out to past customers. Schedule a short phone call or meeting.
Ask them about:
- Any new challenges they’re facing
- What they want to accomplish by the end of the year
- What kind of help they think they need
You’ll align your activities with the real needs of your market (not just what you think their needs are).
3. Thank people who have contributed to your personal or business success. (Don’t wait until Thanksgiving when everyone else does.)
Who would be on your list? Special clients? Favorite customers? Investors? Board members? Friends?
Send a note to:
a) Thank them for their role or contribution,
b) Let them know how you’re progressing toward your goal,
c) Offer to be of help to them.
Of course, you might prefer to make a phone call instead.
You’ll find that a little gratitude creates a lot of good – often in ways you least expect.
Regain and sustain your momentum this summer.
What’s one specific action you’ll take this week to move your business forward faster?
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